Data Protection

Through this notice, xxxxxxxxxxxxx informs Users and Clients in compliance with article 5 of Organic Law 15/1999,
of Personal Data Protection (hereinafter LOPD) on its personal data protection policy with the purpose of informing you that the completion of any existing form on the Website www.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.
com or the sending of an email to any of our mailboxes implies the acceptance of this privacy policy, as well as the authorization to xxxxxxxxxxxxx to process the personal data that you provide us, which will be incorporated into the file, registered in the General Registry of the Spanish Data Protection Agency,
whose owner and person is responsible for it is xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Customer data will be used for the delivery of purchases and for sending via email the sales you make on as well as the status information of your order.

By simply visiting the website,
Users do not provide any personal information nor are they obliged to provide it.

xxxxxxxxxxxxx undertakes to maintain the utmost confidentiality and confidentiality regarding the information provided to it and to use it only for the indicated purposes.
xxxxxxxxxxxxx presumes that the data have been entered by the owner or by a person authorized by the owner, as well as that they are correct and exact.

Unless specifically stated otherwise,
It will be considered necessary to complete all the data required in the Customer xxxxxxxxxxxxx Registration data form and Shipping and Billing data for the purchase. In the event of not providing all the data deemed necessary, xxxxxxxxxxxxx may, depending on the case, not process the specific request made.
The user must fill out the forms with true, exact, complete and updated data, being liable for any damages that may be caused due to incorrect completion of the forms with false, inaccurate, incomplete or outdated data.
xxxxxxxxxxxxx has adopted the security levels of personal data protection required by current data protection legislation, installing the necessary technical and organizational measures to avoid loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and other possible risks.

xxxxxxxxxxxxx undertakes to comply with its obligation to secrecy of personal data and its duty to store it and will adopt all necessary measures to prevent its alteration, loss, processing or unauthorized access, taking into account at all times the state of technology.
The Client or person representing him/her may exercise at any time the right of access, rectification, cancellation and, where appropriate, opposition in accordance with the provisions of the LOPD and other regulations applicable to this effect, by sending a written communication to xxxxxxxxxxxxx with address in Calle xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, in xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, (xxxxxxxxxxxxx) and/or electronically at in which the user’s identity is proven.

In the event that the company provides some type of special service in which it determines specific provisions different from these, regarding data protection,
The application of the particular rules indicated for that particular service will take precedence over those present, in case of inconsistency.


xxxxxxxxxxxxx reserves the right to modify, at any time, the presentation and configuration of the Website,
as well as these General Conditions. Therefore, xxxxxxxxxxxxx recommends that the Client read them carefully each time they access the Website.

Clients and Users will always have these Conditions of Use in a visible place, freely accessible for any queries they wish to make. In any case,
Acceptance of the Conditions of Use will be a prior and essential step to the acquisition of any product available through the Website.

The relationships established between xxxxxxxxxxxxx and the User or Client will be governed by the provisions of current regulations regarding applicable legislation and competent jurisdiction. Spanish law will be the only one applicable. For cases in which the regulations provide for the possibility for the parties to expressly submit to a jurisdiction,
xxxxxxxxxxxxx and the User, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may apply to them, submit to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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