Legal warning


In compliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI), the identifying data of the person responsible for this website is set out below:


You can contact us as follows:
Contact phone: XXXXXXXXXXXX

Company registered in the Commercial Registry of XXXXXXXXXXXX in volume XXXXXXXXXXXX, book XXXXXXXXXXXX, Folio XXXXXXXXXXXX,



The purpose of this legal notice is to establish the General Conditions that regulate the access and general use of this website XXXXXXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXXXXXX by all Users and Clients,
so that access and use thereof necessarily imply submission to and acceptance of the General Conditions included in this Legal Notice.

For this reason, XXXXXXXXXXXX recommends that the user read them carefully each time they want to enter and use the aforementioned website since they may undergo some change.
In this sense, XXXXXXXXXXXX reserves the right to make, at any time and without prior notice, any modification or update of the contents and services, these general conditions of access and use and, in general, any elements integrate the design and configuration of this website.
Through its site www.XXXXXXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXXXXX provides information about its products and offers the possibility of purchasing them. Due to the content and purpose of the Website, people who want to benefit from its services must have the status of “Client”,
which you acquire by completing the registration form. The status of Client implies adherence to the Conditions of Use, the version published at the time the Website is accessed.

In any case,
There are pages of the Website accessible to natural or legal persons who do not register or initiate a product purchase (hereinafter, “Users”). In this sense, Users who access these parts of the Website agree to be subject to the terms and conditions included in these General Conditions.
to the extent that this may be applicable to them.

XXXXXXXXXXXX wants to let its Clients and Users know that it is aimed exclusively at an audience over 18 years of age and that the territory in which it accepts and distributes orders is that included by Peninsula (hereinafter, the “Territory”). XXXXXXXXXXXX sends abroad,
to the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla and the Balearic Islands. But if a user is interested in receiving an item outside the territory, they should contact XXXXXXXXXXXX by calling the contact number XXXXXXXXXXXX or sending an email to, to study their request and subsequently make the shipment.

Any query
, complaint or correspondence regarding these Conditions or XXXXXXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXXXXXX should be addressed to the contact details indicated on our contact us page.


Details of the products available for purchase (including their corresponding price) are specified at XXXXXXXXXXXX.
XXXXXXXXXXXX. XXXXXXXXXXXX will take all necessary and reasonable steps to ensure that all details, descriptions and prices of the products appearing on XXXXXXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXXXXXX are correct. We will try to keep the XXXXXXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXXXXXX store as up to date as possible,
The information specified at any given time may not always reflect the exact situation when you place an order.

Transportation will be carried out through the company SEUR, which will provide the door-to-door service, always maintaining the product at a controlled temperature.
The delivery time for the peninsula will be between 48 and 72 hours from the order confirmation, depending on the destination. It may take 12 more hours in the case of re-shipment.

Order confirmation will be instant when payment is made by credit card. Orders placed after 5:00 p.m.
They will be considered as carried out on the next business day.

However, due to market circumstances and product availability, unwanted delays may occur. In these cases, the delay in delivery, unless it is manifestly disproportionate or lacking justification,
It will not entail the resolution of the sale nor will it entail the accrual of compensation or variation in the price.

To resolve any questions about the transportation and delivery process, the order can be tracked on – indicating the order number, or by contacting us.

All product prices indicated on the website include VAT and other taxes that may apply. However, these prices do not include the costs corresponding to the shipping of the products, which are detailed separately.

XXXXXXXXXXXX informs the Customer that the number of units available is kept up to date with the stock in the warehouse. Under no circumstances will XXXXXXXXXXXX intentionally offer more units for sale than it has available.

XXXXXXXXXXXX will do everything possible to satisfy all its Customers in the demand for the products. However,
Sometimes, and due to causes that are difficult to control by XXXXXXXXXXXX, such as human errors or incidents in computer systems, it is possible that the order may be delayed by 24 hours, but the quantity finally served by XXXXXXXXXXXX will be the same as the order placed by the client to satisfy their needs. needs.
In the event that the product is not available after the order has been placed, the Customer will be informed by email or telephone of the total or partial cancellation of the order. Partial cancellation of the order due to lack of availability does not give the right to cancel the entire order.
If, as a result of this cancellation, the customer wants to return the delivered product, they must follow what is stipulated in the Return section.


The Client agrees to pay at the time the order is placed.
The rates corresponding to the relevant shipping costs will be added to the initial price that appears on the Website for each of the products offered. In any case, these rates will be previously communicated to the Client before formalizing the purchase itself.
The invoice or proof of purchase corresponding to the purchase order will be available and can be viewed at www.XXXXXXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXXXXXX in the “My purchases” section from the Customer’s account.

The Client must pay the amount corresponding to their order by payment via credit or debit card (Visa, Mastercard,
Visa Electron and/or other similar cards) and Paypal. The card with which the payment is made must have a Spanish bank or savings bank as the issuing financial institution. Card payment is made through CaixaBank with its security protocols.
The Client must notify XXXXXXXXXXXX of any improper or fraudulent charge on the card used for purchases, by email or telephone, in the shortest period of time possible so that XXXXXXXXXXXX can carry out the appropriate procedures.

XXXXXXXXXXXX states that it does not have access to confidential data related to the payment method used, since it is managed directly by the corresponding entity and therefore does not store it.
Only CaixaBank, through the Redsys security protocol, and PayPal have access to this data as a means of managing payments and collections, which is inaccessible to other third parties thanks to the use of data transmission via SSL.


Once the order is formalized, that is,
With the acceptance of the Conditions of Use and the confirmation of the purchase process, XXXXXXXXXXXX will always send an email to the Client confirming the details of the purchase made.


XXXXXXXXXXXX will accept order cancellations when requested prior to shipment.
To cancel, you must request it by calling XXXXXXXXXXXX.


– I. Delivery of the product.
XXXXXXXXXXXX undertakes to deliver the product in perfect condition to the address indicated by the Client on the order form, and which in any case must be within the Territory.
In order to optimize delivery, we appreciate the Customer indicating an address to which the order can be delivered within normal business hours.
XXXXXXXXXXXX will not be responsible for errors caused in delivery when the delivery address entered by the Client in the order form does not correspond to reality or has been omitted.

If due to any problem or error the order is divided into several deliveries, XXXXXXXXXXXX would inform the customer of said problem.
indicating the number of deliveries of the order.

– II. Delivery term
Orders placed after 5:00 p.m. will be considered as placed on the next business day. We will make shipments through SEUR, which will provide the door-to-door service, always keeping the product at a controlled temperature.
The order placed by you will be delivered to you within a maximum period of 2-3 business days from when we have confirmed the order. These deadlines are means, and therefore an estimate. Therefore, it is possible that they vary for logistical reasons or force majeure. In cases of delays in deliveries,
XXXXXXXXXXXX will inform its clients as soon as it becomes aware of them.

Each delivery is considered made from the moment in which the transport company makes the product available to the Client. To resolve any questions about the transportation and delivery process, the order can be tracked online.
es – indicating the order number

In the case of delays in the delivery of orders attributable to XXXXXXXXXXXX, the Customer may cancel their order in accordance with the procedure described in the “Return” Section.
Delays in delivery will not be considered those cases in which the order has been made available to the Client by the transport company within the agreed period and could not be delivered for reasons attributable to the Client.
Shipping costs will be XXXXXXXXXXXX€ for purchases less than XXXXXXXXXXXX€ and free for purchases greater than XXXXXXXXXXXX€.

Once your order leaves our warehouses, you will be sent an email notifying you that your order has been accepted and is being shipped.

For security reasons,
XXXXXXXXXXXX will not send any order to post office boxes, nor will it accept any order when it is not possible to identify the recipient of the order and their address.

– III. Delivery Data, Unmade Deliveries and Loss.
If at the time of delivery the Customer is absent,
The carrier will leave a receipt indicating how to proceed to arrange a new delivery. XXXXXXXXXXXX contracts, as part of the courier delivery service, to carry out a series of monitoring actions, aimed at guaranteeing that delivery occurs.
If delivery has not been arranged after 3 business days after delivery of the order, the Customer must contact XXXXXXXXXXXX. If the Client does not do so,
After 4 business days from the order’s departure for delivery, it will be returned to our warehouses and the Customer must be responsible for the shipping and return costs of the merchandise, as well as any associated management costs.

If the reason why the delivery could not be made is the loss of the package,
Our carrier will initiate an investigation. In these cases, the response times of our carriers usually range between 1 or 2 weeks.

IV. Diligence in delivery.
The Client must check the good condition of the package before the carrier who, on behalf of XXXXXXXXXXXX, delivers the requested product.
indicating on the delivery note any anomaly that may be detected in the packaging. If, subsequently, once the product has been reviewed, the Customer detects any incident such as signs of having been opened or any damage caused to it by shipping,
The latter undertakes to notify XXXXXXXXXXXX by calling 629 47 76 26 in the shortest period of time possible, within 24 hours of delivery. From that moment on, incidents of this type will not be attended to.


– I. Return procedure.
All products purchased at XXXXXXXXXXXX may be returned and refunded provided that the Customer notifies XXXXXXXXXXXX of their intention to return the product(s) purchased at the time of receipt of the merchandise, given that since they are perishable goods, which their nature can deteriorate extremely quickly.
XXXXXXXXXXXX will only accept returns that meet the following requirements: 1. If the reason for the return is due to an error by XXXXXXXXXXXX and is not the one you had ordered, the amount of the return will be refunded, for this the product must be in the same condition in which it was delivered and must retain its original packaging and labeling.2.
If the product arrives in poor condition, XXXXXXXXXXXX will assume the corresponding shipping costs for the return, as long as the products are in their original packaging and have not been totally or partially consumed.
Returns of perishable products will not be accepted once their original packaging has been broken and part of the merchandise has been consumed.3. From the delivery of the product, you have 24 hours to review the product and see that it is in good condition. From that moment on, incidents of this type will not be attended to.

– II. To proceed with a return,
The following steps must be followed:
Inform at the time of receipt of the merchandise, sending an email to informing about the reason for the return and XXXXXXXXXXXX will contact the customer to inform them of the procedure for their return.

Shipping must be made using the same box in which it was received to protect the product. In the event that it cannot be obtained with the box in which it was delivered, the Client must return it in a protective box so that the product arrives at the XXXXXXXXXXXX warehouse with the maximum possible guarantees.

A copy of the delivery note must be included inside the package, where the returned products and the reason for the return are also marked.

In order to make the return process easier for Customers and to be able to correctly track it,
XXXXXXXXXXXX establishes as the only return procedure the one established by XXXXXXXXXXXX.

– III. Customer Refunds Returning products will result in a refund equal to the cost of the returned products less the cost of the return service.
Only in the event that the product delivered is in poor condition or is incorrect, XXXXXXXXXXXX will also reimburse the Customer for the corresponding shipping costs. Partial returns and cancellations will result in partial refunds.
XXXXXXXXXXXX will manage the return order under the same system that was used for payment within a period of 10-15 days from confirmation of arrival at the warehouse of the returned order. The application of the refund to the Client’s account or card will depend on the card and the issuing entity.
The application period will be up to 7 days for debit cards and up to 30 days for credit cards.


All the contents of the website, understood as texts, images, graphics, icons, technology, software, links and other audiovisual or sound contents, by way of example only.
, as well as its graphic design and source codes (hereinafter, “the Contents”), are the intellectual and industrial property of XXXXXXXXXXXX or, where applicable, of third parties. Likewise, trademarks, trade names or distinctive signs are the exclusive property of XXXXXXXXXXXX or, where applicable, third parties.

The reproduction, transformation,
distribution, public communication, interactive making available, extraction, reuse, forwarding or use of any nature, by any means or procedure, of any of the Content,
except in cases where it is legally permitted or expressly authorized in writing by the owner of the corresponding rights.
XXXXXXXXXXXX reserves the right to take civil and/or criminal legal actions against those natural or legal persons and their representatives who violate any of the aforementioned industrial and intellectual property rights.
XXXXXXXXXXXX undertakes to comply with the conditions mentioned above to guarantee the correct use of the content of the website, exercising any necessary civil or criminal action in the event of infringement or non-compliance with these rights by the user.

The use of this website by any person attributes the condition of User or Client if registered, of the same, who accepts that the aforementioned use is under his or her exclusive responsibility.
Therefore, the User and Client undertakes to diligently and faithfully observe any additional instructions given by XXXXXXXXXXXX or by authorized personnel of XXXXXXXXXXXX regarding the use of this Website and its contents.

The User and Client agree not to use the information, activities,
products or services that XXXXXXXXXXXX makes available to you to carry out activities contrary to the law, morality or public order and, in general, to use them in accordance with these General Conditions. Therefore, the User and Client are obliged to use the contents diligently, correctly and lawfully and, in particular,
undertakes to refrain from: i) using the contents for purposes or effects contrary to the law, morality and generally accepted good customs or public order; ii) reproduce or copy, distribute, allow public access through any form of public communication, transform or modify the contents,
unless you have the authorization of the owner of the corresponding rights or it is legally permitted and iii) use the contents and, in particular, the information of any kind obtained through the page or the services to send advertising,
communications for direct sales purposes or for any other type of commercial purpose, unsolicited messages addressed to a plurality of people regardless of their purpose, as well as to refrain from marketing or disclosing said information in any way.

In any case,
XXXXXXXXXXXX is not responsible for any damages that the user’s computer equipment may suffer because the user has accessed the portal or used it improperly or negligently.


XXXXXXXXXXXX does not guarantee the reliability and usefulness of the services provided through this website.

Consequently, XXXXXXXXXXXX does not guarantee nor is responsible for: (i) the continuity of the contents of this Website; (ii) the absence of errors in said content or the correction of any defect that may occur;
(iii) the absence of viruses and/or other harmful components on this website or on the server that hosts it; (iv) the invulnerability of this website and/or the security measures adopted therein; (v) the lack of usefulness or performance of the contents of this website; (vi) the damages or losses caused,
himself or a third party, any person who violates the conditions, rules and instructions that XXXXXXXXXXXX establishes on this website or through the violation of the security systems of XXXXXXXXXXXX.

However, XXXXXXXXXXXX declares that it has taken all necessary measures,
within its possibilities and the state of technology, to guarantee the functioning of this Website and prevent the existence and transmission of viruses and other harmful components to Users or Clients. In any case,
XXXXXXXXXXXX is not responsible for any damages that the User’s or Client’s computer equipment may suffer because they have accessed the portal or used it improperly or negligently.