
Our experience and vision allow us to help you adopt the circular economy, rural development and the mitigation of C02 emissions.


A profitable and responsible project?

Yes, it is possible! Because at Gesforest we believe that economic development can go hand in hand with sustainable management.



The Forest Inventory Carbon (FIC) methodology developed by Geforest was born in response to the growing need for
truthful and real knowledge of the carbon stocks stored in the forests that constitute the main carbon sink
Carbon for society.

1.- Main Objective

Provide truthfulness and reliability to the Forest Inventory with the consequent calculation of timber volume and the quantification of CO2 stored in the forest.
Calculation of management CO2 credits.

2.- Short-term objective

Promote Sustainable Forest Management through improving data and reducing costs.
Increase the profit of these owners. Promote and disseminate the use of wood.

3.- Long-term objective

Dynamize rural areas by generating GDP and establishing population.
Transition from the Extinction model to Management.
Reduction of CO2 emissions.

The basis for generating this information is defined by an optimal Forest Inventory, which we carry out using the latest
technologies and Artificial Intelligence that allow us to automate the process and generate a large amount of information
Increasing the extent of data as well as its quality


Our services

Environment Effect investigation


Carbon footprint calculation


ESG sustainability reporting


FSC and PEFC certification

We prepare technical plans and studies on fauna, in direct collaboration with the U.C.L.M.

Environment Effect investigation

The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a fundamental process to evaluate what effects any type of project that is developed will have on the environment. This Environmental Impact Assessment must be approved by the competent body for the implementation of the project in question.

An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a tool used to predict the environmental consequences (both positive and negative) of a proposed project or development. It is used to identify and evaluate the potential impacts of a project on the local environment, including air and water quality, noise levels, soil contamination and other factors. The EIA also takes into account the social and economic impacts of a project.

EIA is required by law in many countries as it provides an important check to ensure that development projects do not have unacceptable environmental consequences. It also allows consideration of mitigation measures to reduce or avoid negative impacts.


Carbon footprint calculation


The carbon footprint registration consultancy includes the entire process, from the moment you contact us and we have the advice session until obtaining the MITECO seal. 

We calculate the carbon footprint following ISO 14064, ISO 14069, ISO 14067, GHG Protocol, PAS 2050, PAS 2060, ISAE 3410, ISAE 3000 and EMAS and the calculators recognized by MITECO.



The acronym ESG, which responds in English to the words Environmental, Social and Governance, in practice, refers to the factors that make a company sustainable through its social, environmental and good governance commitment, without ever neglecting the financial aspects. 

Getting it right in identifying, managing and measuring ESG criteria within a company already has direct repercussions on its ability to receive investment, its reputation and, by extension, the sustainability of the business. 

What are ESG criteria used for? 

ESG criteria have blurred boundaries. The best thing to do is to delimit the company’s capacity for action in these aspects, so that the intangible results are easy for investors to identify. 

To achieve this objective, advice on an ESG index is crucial, which allows for a more direct dive into information of interest in environmental, social and good corporate governance matters.  

Now, an organized and clear ESG index will, firstly, allow managers and executives to make better decisions within the company and, secondly, allow investors to recognize and reward the efforts of companies with capital that is maintained over time. 

ESG Environmental Criteria 

Environmental criteria within an ESG strategy are considered those business activities that have a positive impact on the environment. An example of this could be actions to reduce pollution and the generation of waste or the emission of greenhouse gases. 

The activities should not only be about mitigating the negative effects of the business and can have a proactive vision, such as the reconversion of the energy matrix or the protection of biodiversity. 


ESG Social Criteria 

In this section we mainly find actions related to working conditions and respect for Human Rights. Also included is the management of relationships with communities where it operates, such as the indigenous population, for example. 

In addition, this set of criteria stands out for the protection and promotion of a diverse company that generates inclusion, as well as a healthy space for employees and the community in general.



Non-Financial Information Statements (NFIS) are essential instruments to understand and evaluate the performance of a company beyond its financial aspects. These statements provide a comprehensive view of how a company impacts key areas such as the environment, human rights, labor practices, gender equality and anti-corruption. As society and investors demand greater transparency and corporate responsibility, EINFs have become an invaluable tool for measuring and communicating a company’s commitment to sustainability, ethics and social impact.



Forest certification is a voluntary process to which a forest property is subjected with the intention of accrediting and verifying that the management carried out on the farm meets the requirements of sustainability and responsibility.

To do this, it is subject to an audit, carried out by an external and independent private entity that is an expert in quality systems and that guarantees the forest certification process, evaluating social, economic and environmental aspects where forest management is carried out.


  • Sustainability report
  • Non-financial reports
  • Carbon footprint
  • Water footprint
  • Legal+
  • Sustainability training
  • Energy and environmental efficiency
  • excellent SDG
  • Materiality analysis
  • Information ISO Standards


  1. It represents a differentiating factor based on quality and responsibility
  2. Increase customer loyalty
  3. Facilitates access to financing by Public Organizations and other entities
  4. Improved efficiency
  5. The adoption of sustainability criteria increases competitiveness and improves performance
  6. Generates brand image and prestige
  7. Improves positioning in terms of tenders
  8. Allows entry to certain markets

Learn about the scope of our forest management

Our team merges ingenuity and technology for innovative and sustainable environmental solutions


Do you want to try the Gefores experience?

Contact today to experience our expertise in forest management and transform your environmental projects.

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