Environmental services

Our experience and vision allow us to help you adopt the circular economy, rural development and the mitigation of C02 emissions.


A profitable and responsible project?

Yes, it is possible! Because at Gesforest we believe that economic development can go hand in hand with sustainable management.



A methodology and three levers of social transformation through data capture in forest environments.

1.- Basis for Better Informed Management

The ability to capture data with greater precision improves the forest inventory, which in turn contributes to making better decisions in terms of conservation and sustainable use of forest resources.

2.- Intelligent Data Analysis:

Data is not only collected, but processed in ways that provide valuable quantitative and qualitative information. This allows for a deeper understanding of forest health, vegetation dynamics and other key aspects.

3.- Accessible Spatial Databases

The generation of accessible spatial databases is a crucial component. These databases facilitate access to information anytime, anywhere.

The purpose of the FOREST INVENTORY CARBON Methodology is to facilitate the implementation and alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), promoting sustainability and preservation of the ecosystem, and thus contributing to a more equitable and sustainable development of our society.


Our services

Forest inventory

We carry out forest inventories with an exclusive methodology and artificial intelligence that allows inventory automation. We carry out plots in the field with mobile terrestrial LiDAR technology and drone flights with LiDAR attached, which allows us a total parameterization of the forest, becoming the leading company in the methodology used in the calculation of forest stocks.

Forest management

We use sustainable forest management instruments for the conservation of the Natural environment.

Cubication of wood

We use exclusive software developed to calculate standing and batches of already cut wood.

Hunting management

We prepare technical plans and studies on fauna, in direct collaboration with the U.C.L.M.


- Environmental impact study
- Carbon footprint calculation
- Sustainability reports
- FSC and PEFC certification

Forest signs

The Forest Management plans include the criteria when marking the trees that are cut, ensuring the persistence, stability and durability of the forest mass.

Urban wooded study

Subsidy management


Geforest has the equipment you need in your project

Forest inventories are no longer expensive

We improve performance and reduce your the costs of a process that generally It is high price.

Accurate calculations in minutes

The best of all? You get it with the speed and precision you expect.


Our work


Forest inventory

A forest inventory is an exercise in collecting data on a forest mass, using sampling techniques. At Geforest we carry out forest inventories with an exclusive methodology and artificial intelligence that allows the automation of the inventory. GEFOREST’s own methodology based on precise data collection in the field and predictive models combines satellite images, mobile terrestrial LiDAR technology and drone flights with LiDAR attached, which allows us to fully parameterize the mountain, making us the leading company in the methodology used in calculating forest stocks.

GEFOREST obtains a digital twin of reality, through which we generate a spatial data model with all the dasometric parameters that influence forest management: diameter, height, volume, fraction of covered area, height of the first branch, density, etc Therefore, we improve the quality of the data and the extent of the inventoried surface, in a faster, more precise and less expensive way than traditional methods.


Forest management

The Sustainable Forest Management Instruments (Management Projects, Technical Management Plans, Dasocratic Plans, etc.) serve as planning tools for forest masses, guaranteeing their good management. The IGFS are documents applicable to forest lands that guarantee Sustainable Forest Management, provide valuable information to the land owner and plan the management that will be carried out on the land during the following years. Geforest is responsible for finding the most profitable method for managing forest masses.  

– Document necessary for forest management (wood cutting)  

– Access to subsidies  

– Tax incentives  

– Allows you to obtain a quality seal in Sustainable Forest Management (FSC and PEFC)  

– Forest inventory (described in web-documents-inventory text)


Cubication of wood

The calculation of wood is usually based on equations generated years ago in which the lack of innovation and digitalization in the forestry sector made it necessary to resort to traditional techniques (approximations).  

At GEFOREST we have a predictive algorithm for trunks and logs that allows us to be precise in the calculation of these volumes. We generate the precise height from the base to the crown.  

We can also introduce the exact cubing algorithm up to the d.p.d.  

We have achieved measurement by sections of the trunk.  

In this case, the measurement is made from about 25 cm from the ground since it is the height at which a processor or chainsaw operator lowers the tree.  

This generates the volume per log and the different diameters in both sections


Hunting management

  • Technical Hunting Plans and Hunting Management
  • Projects. 
  • Request, control and monitoring of exceptional permits and authorization: 
    Rabbits (hunting, non-hunting terrain, security zones, live capture, ferret hunting…)
  • Female deer, fallow deer, roe deer, mouflon and goats due to damage.
  • Pigeons for damage.
  • Wild pig.
  • Foxes, corvids and wandering dogs.
  • Writing annual hunting management reports.
  • Processing of hunting aid and subsidies.

Learn about the scope of our forest management

Our team merges ingenuity and technology for innovative and sustainable environmental solutions


Do you want to try the Gefores experience?

Contact today to experience our expertise in forest management and transform your environmental projects.

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